
A Common File/Resource Sharing Platform for Students & Faculties built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, & Django.

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PRs Welcome

Share N Learn is a Common Platform for Students & Faculties to upload and share files including all sorts of study material which will be accessible to all the registered members.


To create a secure and scalable platform common to both college students and faculties so that they can easily share the resources related to coursework hence reducing the dependency on social media platforms.

In the future, the platform can also serve as an e-library for college students.

Tech Stack

  • HTML, CSS and Javascript
  • Python Django Framework

Hit :star2: to show some :heart:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Development Environment Setup: Windows

Step 1: Downloading and Installing the Code Editor
You can install any one of the following code editors.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Atom
  • </details> ---
    Step 2: Installing Python 3.7
    Download Python 3.7 or higher

    • Download the Windows x86-64 executable installer for the 64-bit version of Windows
    • Download the Windows x86 executable installer for the 32-bit version of Windows.
    • Make sure to check 'Add Python 3.7 to Path' in the setup window of the Installer.
    Verify the installation from the command prompt (Terminal) using the following command, ```bash python --version ``` Installed version of python will be printed.
    Step 3: Installing Git
    Download Git
    Step 4: Fork the Repository
    Click on </img> to fork this repsository
    Step 5: Creating Project Directory
    Note: We're creating project directory on the desktop for easy and fast access.

    ```bash cd desktop mkdir myprojects cd myprojects ```
    Step 6: Cloning Repository using Git
    ```bash git clone''/sharenlearn.git ``` </details> ---
    Step 7: Change directory to sharenlearn
    ```bash cd sharenlearn ```
    Step 8: Add a reference to the original repository
    ```bash git remote add upstream ```
    Step 9: Creating Virtual Environment
    Install virtualenv

    ```bash pip3 install virtualenv ``` Creating Virtual Environment named `myvenv` ```bash virtualenv myvenv -p python3.7 ``` To Activate `myvenv` ```bash myvenv\Scripts\activate ``` To deactivate `myvenv` ```bash deactivate ```
    Step 10: Installing Requirements
    Note: Before installing requirements, Make sure Virtual Environment is activated.

    ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ```
    Step 11: Making database migrations
    ```bash python makemigrations python migrate ```
    Step 12: Creating superuser to access Admin Panel
    ```bash python createsuperuser ```
    Step 13: Running the Project in local server
    Note: Before running the project in local server, Make sure you activate the Virtual Environment.

    ```bash python runserver ```
    --- :bulb: Pro Tip! * Always keep your master branch in sync with the main repository byr running the following command on the local master branch. Refer this stackoverflow page. ```bash git pull upstream master ``` * Always create a new branch before making any changes. Never ever make any changes directly on the master branch. To create a **new** branch, ```bash git checkout -b '' ``` --- ## Congratulations on setting up the project locally. --- ## Contributing * Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. * For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. * **Note:** Please take a moment to review the and Code of Conduct which provides the guidelines for contributing. * Fork the project. * Create your Feature Branch ```bash git checkout -b '' ``` * Stage your changes ```bash git add . ``` * Commit your changes ```bash git commit -m '' ``` * Push changes to remote ```bash git push origin '' ``` * Open a Pull Request --- ## Contributors
    --- ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details. ---

    Chiraag Kakar