What's the best strategy to win in PUBG? Should you sit in one spot and hide your way into victory, or do you need to be the top shot? Let's let the data do the talking!

Project maintained by chiraag-kakar Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

PUBG Finish Placement Prediction

In a PUBG game, up to 100 players start in each match (matchId). Players can be on teams (groupId) which get ranked at the end of the game (winPlacePerc) based on how many other teams are still alive when they are eliminated. In game, players can pick up different munitions, revive downed-but-not-out (knocked) teammates, drive vehicles, swim, run, shoot, and experience all of the consequences – such as falling too far or running themselves over and eliminating themselves.

We are provided with a large number of anonymized PUBG game stats, formatted so that each row contains one player’s post-game stats. The data comes from matches of all types: solos, duos, squads, and custom; there is no guarantee of there being 100 players per match, nor at most 4 player per group.


To create a model which predicts players’ finishing placement based on their final stats, on a scale from 1 (first place) to 0 (last place).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The project has been built using Google Colab a very popular online iPython Notebook which allows us to write and execute Python in your browser, with Zero configuration required; Free access to GPUs; Easy sharing.

Thus stable internet connection is the only pre-requisite to run and execute the code.

Built With

Data Source

The team at PUBG has made official game data available for the public to explore and scavenge outside of “The Blue Circle” through the PUBG Developer API.


Data fields


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
